jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009


My name is cristina
I am 16 years old and I live in Bezana.

My numbre one of everything:

  • Colour: Blue

Possession: My guitar

  • Time of the day: The afternoon

  • Season of the year: Summer

  • Fragance: Woman secret

  • Writer: Carlos Ruiz Zafón

  • Fictional character: Goofy

  • Music group/ artist: Alice keys, Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera...

  • TV show: Fama a bailar

  • Place: Barcelona

  • Food: Tortilla de patata, croquetas, macarrones...

  • Sports: Swim

Here is some more information about me:

  • I love dogs but I hate cats

  • The thing which annoys me most is don´t meet my friends

  • Sometimes, I am scared of horror films

  • My best friend would describe me as a friendly, nice and crazy person

  • If I could change my name, it would be Carlota

  • My idea of happiness is have near person who love me

  • I can´t resist chocolate

  • My favourite words in the world are house and mountains

  • My aim in life is to be happy

  • My message to the world is "Don´t worry, be happy"

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